E-Commerce SEO Tips: The Need to Know

E-Commerce SEO Tips: The Need to Know

I wrote out some high-hitting feedback and thoughts on what I would focus on if it were me. No fluff.

Last updated: June 14th, 2024

People ask me all the time: what do I need to know for SEO? It's a very open-ended question, but I understand where they are coming from. SEO is a crazy ambiguous space. People want clear answers, something to guide the step by step.

So what should you focus on for SEO if you are an e-commerce company? I wrote out some high-hitting feedback and thoughts.

It isn't clean - this is my working draft.

However, I figured I might as well share my insights with others to be as helpful as possible.

E-Commerce SEO Tips

  1. Page speed is huge, especially with mobile
  2. Keyword research
    1. Goal here is to figure out what keywords have greatest search volume for your product - hyper-specific approachsome text
      1. What are other similar products targeting for keywords
      2. Include those keywords in H1, product descriptions, etc.
      3. Make hyper-specific product descriptions
  3. Product page optimization
    1. Ofc primary keyword in product title at the start
    2. Internal linking
    3. Optimize image for SEO
      1. Add something unique to the image, maybe “free delivery” or something so you not only rank but catch the user experience
      2. Titled correctly
      3. Webp format
      4. Add alt description
    4. Very specific and unique product description - needs to be original
      1. Include info like:some text
        1. Selling benefits of product
        2. Product specification as bullets
        3. Information and all that
        4. Who is it for?
        5. Refund/return policy
  4. Optimize category pages - BIGGEST OPPTY
    1. Optimize title
      1. Internal linking
      2. Add description to category explaining what type of products will be in the category - gives search engines insight 
      3. Who are these products for?
      4. Need many products in each category
    1. URL structure
      1. Needs to be clean! No numbers/weird stuff
      2. homepage.com/product/category/slug
  5. Blogsome text
    1. Can link back to products, create listicles that link to all of the top products
    2. Can make product reviews for each product for more long-form content that then links back to each product and has internal links
    3. Can improve backlink effort, easier to blogs than product pages
    4. Internal linking!
  6. Schema
    1. Adding product image tiles to search results
  7. Socials
    1. How are people talking about it on other platforms, make sure that you reference it in the same manner for continuity between platforms.
  8. Internal search
    1. Keep users on the page to strengthen dwell time
  9. Maintenance
    1. If you scrap pages, don’t delete them. Either canonical tag it or 301 redirect it.

Have any questions? Hit me up: david@tinylevermarekting.com